1) When Context is stripped away: David Wolpe
Tyler Cowen‘s interview with Rabbi David Wolpe is interesting because it suggests what is lost in social media:
But there’s something about social media that seems to act to strip away context, and people who write for mainstream media will tell you this: “Well, I wrote an article that ended up on Facebook in a very different setting than how I intended it to be read.” And you can say all you want — all the hyperlinks are there, but people don’t click through.
What do you think is the intellectual future of a belief system based on commentary on commentary on commentary, now injected into a world with this technology that so strips away context and just gives you some bald statement of something?
WOLPE: I think that Judaism has the same problem that any thick civilization has in a world in which, as you say, context is stripped away. And not only is context stripped away, but attention to any one thing is scanter and less than it used to be.
Note: This YouTube Video doesn’t have a Transcript
Even though the “Conversations with Tyler” Medium website does include a transcript, unfortunately, the YouTube video doesn’t.
To make this demo work, I had to pretend that the videos have a transcript and hard-code this YouTube Transcript.
2) Contextual Video Popup from Transcript: Malcolm Gladwell
Many YouTube videos do have transcripts.
In a speech at the Miami Herbert Business school, Malcolm Gladwell discussed the psychological and social implications of real estate.
↓ Click grey-blue link below to View Popup
One point Gladwell made was that there are no bad neighborhoods there only bad blocks
. By this Gladwell meant that crime is concentrated in small areas (blocks), which require a concentrated response, rather than a blanket “stop and frisk” policy that affects whole neighborhoods.
3) Howto create Contextual Video Citations using WordPress
a) I’ve created a WordPress plugin which enables writers to create this form of contextual citation by linking their quotations to a source by using a “cite” URL.
b) When the post is published, the WordPress plugin automatically calls my webservice to lookup the source context.
c) It also embeds the YouTube video using the “cite” URL.
Sample HTML:
<q cite="https://youtu.be/cE1g3GJCq7o?t=2587">
there are no bad neighborhoods there only bad blocks
(you can specify the video’s start time using the t=seconds syntax)