2 Ways of adding Context when Quoting Beau’s Videos:
1) Expanding Blockquote:
Beau reports that media traffic numbers are down from 2020.
As a result, he predicts more sensationalism in 2022.
In an attempt to draw the same viewership as 2020 media are going to have to:
give you something sensational to latch on to. Stories that they can milk and keep in the news cycle. That’s what I’ve got my money on. I would be prepared for a lot of sensationalist content to start coming out
2) Inline Contextual Popup:
↓ Click on grey-blue link to view video popup ↓
In another video, Beau suggests that the problem in Afghanistan was that the US wanted to keep Afghanistan as a weak client state— We wanted the national government in Afghanistan to be just strong enough to do what we told them
About CiteIt:
The above quotes were copied from the auto-generated YouTube transcript and linked with the CiteIt WordPress plugin. The app automatically pulled in the context above and below and embedded the video.
You can see an more video examples on the home page.
- Quoting YouTube Transcripts with CiteIt.net (video tutorial)
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- Like the basic ability to embed pictures, audio, and video, CiteIt enables writers to increase the reader’s contextual understanding of an issue with minimal effort.
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- Publishers can differentiate themselves from the competition and benefit from reader’s greater trust and loyalty. (speculative).