a higher standard of citation

How to generate the citation context for this example:


1: Pride & Prejudice allows inline popup quotations use the <q> tag:

In Chapter 5 of Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth confesses how Darcy offended her, saying: I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.

2: Tyler Cowen interviews David Wolpe

In a article, Tyler Cowen commented to David Wolpe about how social media strips away context:
I think that Judaism has the same problem that any thick civilization has in a world in which, as you say, context is stripped away. And not only is context stripped away, but attention to any one thing is canter and less than it used to be. So, for example, a lot of Jewish commentary is based on your recognizing the reference that I make. Who recognizes references anymore? Because people don’t spend years studying books.

You can mark up the quote with html tags such as <ul>, <li>, <b> or any other tag that will not change the text version of the quote when the hmtl is converted to text.

3: YouTube Video: Malcolm Gladwell: Crime Show Taxonomy

When you cite a YouTube video, in addition to looking up the 500 characters of transcript context, CiteIt's WordPress Plugin embeds a hidden iframe, starting at the video's start time if you include the time offset in your link.

  1. a Western is where is conceptually a world in which there is no law and order and a man shows up and imposes personally law and order on the territory the community right
  2. so there is also a eastern what is in Eastern and Eastern is a place where by contrast is a story where they're like I got this straight it was four types the Eastern is where there is law and order there is so there are institutions of Justice but they are have been subverted by people from within so an Eastern would be the Serpico is an Eastern it's a crooked cop who is it's the bad apple who has you know screwed up there there's lots of tons and tons of of Hollywood movies are Easterns
  3. the northern is the case where law and order exists and law notre is morally righteous system works law know that show law and order is a northern it's a functioning apparatus of Justice which reliably and accurately produces the right the correct result in confronting criminality every single day when it's on TV
  4. the southern is where the the entirely the southern is all John Grisham novels or Southern's they are where the entire apparatus is corrupt and where the reformer is not an insider but an outsider

4: Reply-All: The New York City CompStat Crime-Tracking System

Reply-All did a story in 2018 about how the New York City's CompStat Crime-Tracking System was developed and how the Police Department changed with the introduction and use of the computer system.

The result was that police officers are given quotas for the number of summons (tickets) they need to issue, forcing them to trump up the charges if necessary. It's a story that illustrates the perils of broken-glass policing and how policing evolved in New York City and other cities:

PEDRO: Some guy jumps out. And this one guy, in front of a bodega, doing absolutely nothing, they gave him a summons for blocking pedestrian traffic. You know, we were just shaking our heads like, “What did you give him?” “Blocking pedestrian traffic.” And they just start laughing. I'm like, oh wow. All right. So we move on.

PJ: Pedro says the next stop was this Mexican man who was just sitting alone on a stoop. They wrote him up for the exact same thing: Blocking pedestrian traffic.

PEDRO: And this was all night until all of us–there was like a four or five of us in the van, until everyone had five.

PJ: Pedro was so confused by what had had happened that night, he actually went home, and looked up the definition of blocking pedestrian traffic. These guys had not been blocking pedestrian traffic. This was absurd. And Pedro didn't know it, but all over the city cops were getting pushed in the exact same way -- to aggressively write summonses to people for doing seemingly nothing. I talked to another cop, this guy in Brooklyn named Edwin Raymond.

EDWIN RAYMOND: After the academy, I would run into officers that I was in the academy with. And it’d be like, “Oh, hey, what's up? Are you still at transit?” And the third question, without fail, the third question was always, “What do they want from you guys over there?” That’s how much this is part of the culture.

Reply All · #127 The Crime Machine, Part I

(In the future I would like this embeded audio player to be generated automatically from the citation (just like the YouTube example) and start from a timestamp, which in this case is 2:37)

This quote is from the beginning of Reply-All's superb two-part series called: The Crime Machine Part 1 Part 2.

This example is useful because the html code has been supplemented with meta-data:

<blockquote cite=""
	data-citeit-citing-tags='reply-all-podcast, police, crime, crime-history, new-york-city, comsats, jack-maple'
	data-citeit-cited-title='The Crime Machine, Part I, Episode 127'
	data-citeit-cited-authors_names='PJ Vogt'
	data-citeit-cited-authors_entities_urls = ""
	data-citeit-cited-series = 'Reply-All'
	data-citeit-cited-embed-url = ''

5: Quoting the Supreme Court: Javascript API

Here's an example of a site that is not a normal html site, but rather the page the reader visits is generated from javascript. A site-specific adaptor for the Document class generates the transcript from a javascript API.

In the future, it would be nice to embeded an audio player similar to the one used on the oyez site, which plays the audio when a transcript line is clicked on. This would require createing a data format which maps transcript text to it's corresponding time.

In Citizens United vs FEC, Justice Anthony Kennedy expressed his concern that the valuable knowledge of corporations would be suppressed by a ban on corporate campagin funding.
The government silences a corporate objector, and those corporations may have the most knowledge of this on the subject.

Corporations have lots of knowledge about environment, transportation issues, and you are silencing them during the election.

Though there may be something to Justice Kennedy's concern, I suspect the type of corporate "knowlegede transfer" that he describes is atypical:

Rather than expressing their "knowledge" in a 90-minute documentary or even an informative 1-minute commercial, in actual practice, most big corporate donors instead pay a group of political operators to set up a "front group" to develop a provocative 1-minute ad on an unrelated wedge issue. Kennedy's preoccupation about "knowlege" is mostly hypothetical and could be protected by a exception for the actual transfer of the corporations' subject-matter expertise.